A Dying Star Before its Birth.


A few years back on my way back home, I saw two kids around 10 to 12 years old carrying a Cessna plane in his hand. Being a curious person, I asked him where he bought it he responded I made it myself. I was slightly shocked & found it difficult to absorb so I asked him to show me and he with no reluctance handed it over to me. Now I examined it upside down to approve his claim of making it himself to my surprise plane wings were made of a wooden mango box (Aam ki patty) and the fuselage of the plane with wooden door ply and how skillfully he wrapped two different colors of aluminum foil on different parts of the plane. I was really astonished and intrigued by how artistically he made the joints which really gives an impeccable look. (I am not an authority to evaluate any piece of visual art but his work was really exceptional)

Before asking any questions to this little guy another kid who was with that aero plane kid informed Uncle he also makes very beautiful paintings (pencil sketches) and offered me bring them from home. 

Since I was in a hurry to reach home I refused to see those pencil sketches but I did believe those would certainly be extraordinary.

I was mesmerized by the fact that at such a tender age how could one conceive such an artistic idea. Because his work speaks volumes which is a testimony of itself this Kid knows his craft.

When I resumed my journey back home 1st thought came to my mind what would be the fate of this little genius? 

Will he with a bit of training and supervision,  be able to polish his craftsmanship to the next level. who knows we might find another Sadequain BUT 2nd thought really caused me immense pain.


"Before coming into the attention of anyone else will this STAR die itself "?