Impact of Diets on Your Life Expectancy

 New research reveals your eating habits play a significant role in determining the longevity of your life. It is rightly said “once you make a habit then the habit makes you”


It is not just about your period of eating but it is a period of NOT eating so important in boosting your body against diseases & aging to enhance your longevity as excess weight accelerates your aging clock that could be achieved by fasting as it activates certain genes that are helpful. It is a proven fact the leaner you are the longer you going to live this is how you have to develop your lifestyle

When you are hungry certain genes (situins) go up that are responsible for low energy so being hungry you will get more of them hence it starts generating mitochondria (Important for making energy). We lose mitochondria as we get old, and exercising is another way of enhancing their production. Why do we need mitochondria??? Because they are important for metabolizing things what we eat & more importantly they are used in making chemical energy in the body so when you activate it you feel better you will have more energy & it will also fight against aging. So along with fasting, there are other drugs (Not mentioned) together do boost immunity & do give biochemical changes that are good for the long-term health & also wellness of your body.

The study shows the large population & subgroups of the population all across the world who have fast as part of their tradition, culture & religious practices for many years like the gene people in India the most studied group & there is scientific evidence that they have the most numbers of people over 70 years of age in a good health than any other religions or groups of India.

Another good example is Christian & Muslim Fasting It is not only religious practices or coincidence as you’ve experienced yourself by fasting you feel better, look better & you ultimately disease resistant might even help cure diseases by going through this period of being hungry because it activates longevity defense mechanism of your body. Different recent studies reveal one thing in common that is fasting from dawn to sunset for four weeks improved blood pressure, decreased weight circumference, glucose level come down & up-regulated DNA repair proteins.

The most fascinating outcomes about fasting are acceleration in curing of certain diseases like type one diastases, multiple sclerosis even cancer those diseases seem to also benefit from fasting. There are certain defense components in the cell that takes care of the body, not just for aging but to fight diseases young people, middle-aged genetic diseases even some you might not think of like macular degeneration has been shown to be slowed down & even reversed by fasting.


As we have different lifestyles, different tolerance for pain & hunger, we are male or female having different micro-biome these are some really important things to take into consideration as expert recommends instead of guessing work we should measure it how certain activity effect (Diet or exercise) have the effect on our body either it is working for us or not.

There are some diets that mimic fasting (Google them) that food itself is processed in the body in such a way that the body still likes to have a little bit more of it. The whole idea is that you need your body to be in a state of perceived adversity in which your body perceives as it is running out of food & it is not eating meats anymore whereas plants have less of these amino acids & your body responds to low amino acids inputs. Fasting mimic diets also help cancer patients survive which provides more evidence fasting is good not just for longevity but for diseases.

Another food regimen that is particularly very famous among Hollywood female celebrities is intermittent fasting this is the period goes longer than a day, some people do three days some people go for a week one should not go longer than that because your body starts chewing up your muscle which no one wants to allow however these long extended period doing a real deep cleanse in the body & your metabolize turning on that process of recycling protein very deeply especially when you get beyond three days mark.

Then there is time-restricted feeding if you are not good at going beyond 24 hours that is try not to eat till dinner that is sort of hard enough for most of the people who struggles so this time-restricted feeding you want to have at least 16 hours of not eating OR not eating very much that means either you skip your breakfast Or your dinner because skipping lunch is not effective however if you have a cup of tea or coffee in the morning is good or a little bit of yogurt & try not to eat at all until dinner & then have enjoyable dinner of a certain type of foods & that gives your body a long window more than 20 hours of not having glucose circulating from the external world that regime takes a few weeks for your body to adapt by doing so your liver will learn how to compensate for lack of food & your liver generates glucose instead that actually overcomes the feeling of hunger when you first skip breakfast & lunch you are going to be hungry you are going to be nervous you probably say to yourself you can’t do it & whosoever recommending it is an idiot. 

So don't do it without preparation & being in the right mindset or high chances is that you will quit it very soon. I myself had a discussion with my family Doctor in this regard he suggested to fill your body with fluids while you are skipping the meals like tea, coffee & hot water all the way through the day being hydrated & fill with liquid takes away any feeling of hunger Or if you really feel hungry take a handful of  Nuts as a bit of protein is known to take away the feeling of hungry rapidly. Eat less often to the degree where you restrict yourself to one meal a day but it doesn’t mean you starving & lead to malnourishment. So don’t be too low on anything you don’t want to be hungry just train your liver to produce enough sugar that you don’t feel hungry anymore & if you do you better keep drinking liquids & still get really hungry have some nuts that will certainly work.

Because adequate nutrition is important & is necessary otherwise you are going to be causing more harm than good. So far we have learned when to eat but now more important is to know what to eat & here are the Dos & Don’ts of eating.


SUGAR is straight out BIG Killer glucose, particularly fructose is also pernicious & if you have lots of glucose & especially fructose you will get fatty liver disease & get diabetes. Why it is bad? Particularly when it spikes physiologically glucose is attached to proteins that make them stuck up this ultimately reduces your longevity & gives you type two diabetes & probably cardiovascular disease on top of that it is shutting off those protective mechanisms that defend against disease & psychologically it leads to brain fog so keep those glucose levels low & consistent because it stimulates body natural defense system against disease & aging. You could quit something but don’t need to be draconian about it there is nothing wrong if dessert is served to you & you take a few scoops of it but must not eat a giant blow of ice cream every night that is a quicker way to shorter your life span.

Glucose syrup & sorbitol are the main ingredients of cupcakes & other baking products the main ingredient of them is white rice I didn’t know myself until I started working in a cake manufacturing company.

Another dish that also has white rice as its main ingredient & that is actually the love of most Pakistani lives you guessed it right that is Biryani as we all know this nation eats Biryani like hell & mostly take the soft drink along with it & by far this combination is deadly because recent study reveals this nation is dealing with the epidemic of diabetes it shows around 26% of the adult population is affected with it & millions of Pakistani is now living with the disease. Diabetes is known as a silent killer & kills hundreds of thousands of people in this country every year but the irony is the majority of people are still unaware of it or consider it an unimportant health problem.

It is a prevalent exercise in Pakistani masses they don’t visit the doctor unless they are unable to move So after spending many years with diabetes when people resort to Doctor they have already received irrevocable damage because it causes permanent damage to eyes, kidneys & causes cardiac arrests. Try your level best to avoid eating white rice dishes at night in case you have no choice it is recommended to eat early OR eat little & instead of sitting or going straight to bed take a walk.  

SUPER HIGH PROTEIN (Acquires mostly from animals) should also be avoided because (Mtor: protein registers amino acids) is activated that not going to turn on the defense to recycle proteins. Most people certainly don’t in a mood to quit carnivore diets & believe they are the best for longevity however a lot of amino is appropriate if you are an athlete there is always a short-term gain like you will feel better if you eat meat you will obviously have the protein to build up the muscle but you can look at the populations at what they eat & how long they live??? as well as the short-term effects when you eat high protein, carnivorous read meat-based diets those changes will be good in the short run but in large part sirtuin (A type of protein) switch off by high protein as well. Aminos are important & you need them & you can get aminos from plants along with animals as plants also mostly protein but they are not as bioavailable as you would get from a steak. So vegetarian diets or plant-based diets are good but if you still fancy meats so go for sea foods.

As when you get aminos out of meat you need to digest it & so the first step is acid in your stomach is going to break down the meat into aminos acid & your micro-biomes can utilize a lot of them & then those amino acids are also going to leach into your bloodstream so now you’ve got these amino acids circulating in your body it is important to know branched-chain amino acids are used by the body to sense the protein intake that helps in building muscle & repair cells that is why you feel good if you eat red meat & your micro-biome can handle it but actually what is going on that is deleterious in the long run mTor can do something even better for your longevity than build new muscles it actually turns on your recycling program called Autophagy & there is no debate as to whether autophagy is good for you or bad for you it is definitely good for you. So if you like to eat meat no issue go for it but try to focus on plant-based food more often so there should be a period during the week when there is no branched-chain amino acids floating around in your body so your mTor have a change to down-regulate the recycle proteins.

Recycling proteins is important because the proteins get modified & accumulated in all tissues. We have these old proteins that linger and cause us to malfunction but it is reversible by fasting its reversible also by having lower levels of these branched-chain amino acids. There is an extensive study in which they calculate what is the chance of dying based on various diets & these were thousands of people & what they found was that what is called the hazard ratio went down to more vegetarian & being vegan you were it means that your chance of dying going down 


Eating a little bit of fish only uses olive oil as your fat, focus mostly on plants & exercise because it will reduce biological aging & diseases cut off where they actually start as most of the experts believe aging is in itself a disease.

Not only eating plant-based diets is good but one concept exists based on a premise any plant that experienced stress is extremely good as plants don’t have eyes so how would they know if their food supply is going to run out or water & other nutrients etc unless they sense stressed & fear. So the more you stress the plant the more you get substances of resveratrol, quercetin & piceatannol because they also have sirtuin genes like humans & they need to survive just like we do. Whereas GMO genetically modified organisms (Vegetables, Chicken & Firming Fish) are profitable for farmers because they grow very quickly which exposes to less stress but are they better for us? Absolutely not

In comparisons of nutrients genetically modified twelve oranges are equal to one orange that grows organically in the field without pesticides probably the most stressed. So look for plants that are organic, local & colorful because those are the ones that are most likely to have those molecules.

Eat yeast (Khamir) more often it restricts calories & reduces glucose levels in the body & low energy activates the certain gene that repairs your DNA. In totality, glucose doesn’t hurt you it’s the low glucose that activates the natural defense system of the cell.

In short eat less often skip one meal of the day & moving from there & don’t snack in between also avoid sugary drinks & foods by reducing meat intake you could enhance your longevity because it leads to heart-related issues & even cancer however if you like Steak eat one but push yourself to plant-based diets, Start a meal with sugar is injurious eat them at last after finishing your food. Don’t start with sugar & carbohydrate drinks because it will immediately spike your glucose. Eating candy during the day is just going to make you feel lethargic when the sugar goes away  

You reduce your mortality on any given day & No matter in which age bracket you are in it is never too late to change your diet. Just check out yourself around your surrounding who is alive? Not giant men who are obese rather little women who are skinny

Just remember in this era most people are dying in the world, not because of the dearth of food but rather the abundance of their intake.

PS: As death is certain & No matter what one day we all will die so sole intention of this writing to disseminate information helping people spending a healthy & productive life.